Now some of you may be wondering why an article about this ( Arduino). It might be  of three  ways
- You know the Whole Stuff About Arduino.
- You know Some introduction about it and the Minute things it does.
- You know nothing about and this is the First time you are Hearing about this.
Now if you Belong to the first category then you are in a zone of over confident and you underestimated the power of this.But if you belong to the second category you will Learn and  see what does this Little thing does and what does it capable of  and if you Belong to Third category then you will be wondering how you missed out this great thing and if you are Having a lot of free time then you can start messing up this thing right from today.
Now first check it out what this Arduino is all about. It is an open source Computer  Hardware and software company. Project and user community that designs and manufactures kits for building the digital world and encouraging other’s to do it by offering at a reasonable price.They also Provide software for this and that’s all of free cost.
                                    This board is  based on a family of microcontroller design manufactured using various 8 bit Atmel AVR or 32 bit ARM processors. This board has analog pins and also PWM pins and GND pins a voltage supply pin of 5 volts. However, we should provide power supply to it. I am not Sharing any technical Stuff about the board because you can know all about the technical department at its Official site.( As sharing technical stuff here becomes Hectic to all the new bee’s .)
There are many Boards of Arduino, but I suggest Arduino UNO R3 of all because of all the board this is available at rather a low cost with advance options. You can but it all local electronic stores OR you can order it in AMAZON. Make sure that this contain AT MEGA 328 p ( this is an advance of all ). Download the IDE software from Arduino official Website.
 It’s Just Connecting USB from board to a PC or Laptop. Download this Software and open up. This works with more of C, C++ and less of JAVA. Don’t panic if you don’t know this language. You can do without being professional in these Languages.In software, there will be an option in File i.e Examples. Open this example there will be some Programs which are already coded.
                                                                     Now you can start learning by going through some Lessons in Ada fruit( ).
Many would be dreamed of doing Big and Great things, especially in Robotic World. Now After you Gained a bit of knowledge about these things, now we roll on to the big things of making somethings extra ordinary. Many of us will start to do a Project but what makes us Drop is the budget need for making it. So now look on this project’s where you can do it with less than $50. Instructables is a great for this kind of things. You should check it back.
Starting off this is a Simple Bipedal Robot, where you will need 4 servo motors and an Arduino board and a couple of wires for connection.You can check out the step by step procedure for making it. All you need to work is the coding part of it.
” If you have any doubts about the components or where to buy it, You can ask your queries in comments and I will reply it with a best possible solution.”
If you have any doubts about the components or any doubts in coding part or any doubts you can raise it up in comments and also these projects are for those who completed that Ada fruit Lessons. Going through that lessons will help you improve your knowledge about these components and working.
Below is the Video of a Man who  build a robotic arm using Arduino with 3D printing which can be used as a prosthetic limb for less than $400. You can watch the video below and imagine how far you can go with it.
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